Dealing With Post-Traveling Ennui

3 Dec

The problem with leading an exciting, adventurous  life  is that you have to balance it all out with a mind-numbingly boring existence – either before or after your journey. “For the good can only exist when holding hands with evil.” Actually I just made up that quote, but feel free to spread it like a winter flu.

So how does one deal with the crushing force of ennui (another fancy word for BOREDOM) when coming back home after a long, eye-opening journey? Some people spend time catching up with old friends to reminisce about how much nothing has changed. Others flock to the watering hole at beer o’ clock, which can be any time of the day. I mean you’re global now, so even if you’re drinking at 6am there’s definitely a happy hour taking place somewhere in the world, right? Others cope with post-traveling gloom by taking up hobbies such as knitting, archery or blogging. And me? What do I do? I take pictures of my foot at work to ease the pain:

Yup. That’s my foot creepin’ up behind my computer monitor in front of me. Yup, I took a picture of it as an act of rebellion against office life and to feel like I’m being adventurous, within the confines of my 6 x 6 cubicle. Take that, office job.

I’ve been learning how to  cope with my post-traveling depression in other ways as well. Sometimes, I steal cones and give them rides to unknown destinations:

If I don’t get to travel, then at least that orange cone does. I mean, poor cone. You gotta feel bad for him – standing out there all day long begging for attention with his orange finesse. And what do people do? They just straight up ignore him! Knocking him over like he’s not even there for a reason.

So after 3 months of being back, I think I’ve learned how to cope pretty darn well. I mean, I don’t get to climb mountains or meet exotic foreign travelers anymore. But I do get to meet people like this guy:

Yea, we pounded fists. I think I’ll refer him to

So, that’s how I’ve been dealing with my post-traveling ennui. What about you guys? How have you guys been coping?

7 Responses to “Dealing With Post-Traveling Ennui”

  1. Chris December 6, 2010 at 2:45 pm #

    the first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club

  2. Jacki Mo December 7, 2010 at 2:03 pm #

    AH I’m going through this as we speak. Since returning home from Puerto Rico yesterday I’ve spent most of my time in my room with the heat on 80 pretending my yellow comforter is sand and that my blue carpet is the water and that I am in fact still at the bech. and no, it is NOT the same.

    • ChangChaang December 7, 2010 at 3:29 pm #

      a common side effect of post-traveling ennui is delusion. it’s okay, we’re going to be okay…maybe. haha

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    • ChangChaang July 15, 2011 at 10:28 am #

      Thank you!!


  1. Screw you 2011, I’m Unleashing the Dragon « Chang Chang Travels! - February 9, 2011

    […] Apologies for giving you blue blog balls – I know you’ve been anticipating this post and I refuse to give you the satisfaction just because I let you cop a feel while I was drunk. I’ve been having a love affair with Netflix and really, I’m so busy staring off into space at work while my creative juices dry up like a woman on menopause that I haven’t had time to write. I’ve also turned terribly vulgar and have lit my filter on fire – a well-known side effect to having post-traveling ennui. […]

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